OVHcloud — an open ecosystem, with several ways to contribute
Why talk about ecosystems?
The concept of the cloud is now fertile ground, and data represents seeds to be sprouted. But in its current state, it is not enough. Like nature, the digital environment (the biotope) is made up of a group of players (biocenosis) — evolving in an environment that transforms constantly.
Since 1999, just one thing hasn’t changed — our approach. As a pure player, it always involves focusing on our core business in order to capitalise on our strengths. That is why we continue to surround ourselves with experts who work in related sectors, and who share the same system of values as we do. Together, we develop a catalogue of solutions and services that can cover a wide range of needs, from the most generic to the most specific.
Shared values at the root of this project
Day after day, our teams and partners prove that digital sovereignty is possible. Thanks to them, we are now able to offer a trusted and sustainable alternative based on simplicity, accessibility, reversibility, transparency, data confidentiality and the total absence of vendor lock-in.
Common ambitions driving us forward
Our course of action is clear: make technology a real asset. And how do we do this? By freeing entrepreneurs and specialists from divisive, rigid and complex technology, so that they can get the very most out of their data.
To support this change, we must continue to join forces and bring about new ideas. And everyone should be able to play a part in driving this empowerment. By working with a wide range of experts, we deliver more value to those who matter most to us all — our customers. Together, we can meet today’s business needs more effectively, regardless of their size or location — and we can also anticipate future needs.
If you also believe in the ecosystem’s power to amplify the impact we have on our customers, find out how to join us and help drive the movement.

Together, we collaborate
We work closely with many players in the hardware and software sectors to develop our solutions.
Each step is designed jointly, from development to commercialisation, scaling and support. Regardless of the partner we are dealing with, or the solution we are developing, our goal remains the same — to ensure a service quality that provides the best experience for our customers.
Our partners include major brands such as AMD, Cisco, Intel, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Plesk, Red Hat, Samsung, Veeam, VMware, Zerto. Our less well-known partners — such as AIXMETAL and Inodesign —are just as important in our value chain.

“As companies committed to bringing the latest server and innovation technologies to market, we have developed a strong partnership with OVHcloud. Our partnership started many years ago. In 2009, OVHcloud launched solutions with the very first SSDs for Intel datacentres and 10 Gigabit Ethernet network interfaces, around six or seven years before these technologies became widespread in the cloud. 11 years later, we are focusing on other topics such as data security and acceleration for resource-intensive applications like databases, analytics and AI.”
Marc Gaucheron, Technical Account Manager for OVHcloud at Intel Corporation

Together, we innovate
A number of software publishers and startups from different backgrounds are developing on OVHcloud’s infrastructure. They are able to address all markets and uses. With our Startup Program and Marketplace, we help them grow and succeed.

“In the field of IoT, one company alone cannot offer a comprehensive solution that can address all of its customers’ issues and challenges. To meet these different needs, we need an ecosystem of partners working hand in hand, much like a sports team that builds on each player’s strengths to innovate, integrate and create solutions adapted to specific customer requirements.”
Arun Narayanaswamy, co-founder of SmartHub.ai and member of the OVHcloud Startup Program

“OVHcloud Marketplace is designed to foster the development of a trusted ecosystem, which we are thrilled to be part of. We are completely aligned with the values upheld by the OVHcloud Marketplace and its team. And with the power of OVHcloud, we can accelerate our access to the SMB market.”
Patrick Vallée, COO of Shadline and OVHcloud Marketplace Vendor Partner
Innovation also involves collaboration with academic research. This is what helps us identify and integrate specific expertise, then strengthen our capacity to innovate.
Currently, our main research and development focus is on how to build a sustainable cloud. Its aim is to reduce the cloud’s energy consumption and carbon footprint — and we have already done this at a datacentre level with water-cooling technology. This meant we were able to optimise our electricity usage.
Our next actions will help us measure our power usage on the software side. We can then orchestrate resources to optimise our energy usage, while ensuring an equivalent level of service. To do this, several projects have been set up, including one with the Spirals research team (Inria) to measure the energy usage of a virtual machine.
A virtual event
EMEA-AMERICAS | 16-17 November 2021
ASIA PACIFIC | 17-18 November 2021
Together, we deliver

To ensure the success of cloud computing projects, our partnership program partners with resellers, system integrators and managed services partners to deliver solutions to our common customers.
These partners offer the local support, skills and vertical services required for this type of project.
“For several years, we have worked together to provide Rainbow — a service and open communications platform unified in the cloud — available in more than 80 countries. The sudden growth in the need for videoconferencing solutions brought about by the COVID-19 epidemic has demonstrated strong cultural changes in companies, very often associated with legitimate fears around issues of security, data confidentiality and data exchange — or more simply, peak loads. Our trusted partnership with OVHcloud has enabled us to respond every step of the way, and convey this trust to our own customers and partners.”
Benjamin Zores, Director of Cloud Infrastructure and Operations at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Together, we contribute
Since the beginning of the OVHcloud adventure, the concept of open source has guided our journey. Not only do we continue to make extensive use of these kinds of solutions to ensure transparency and reversibility — we also make sure we give something back to the community by submitting code or providing infrastructure.
We are also working to propel our value system on a European scale. To do this, we have created and joined non-profit organisations whose objectives vary and complement each other. CISPE focuses on a common code of conduct and policy for cloud infrastructure and service providers. The Linux, Cloud Native Computing and OpenStack foundations orchestrate support, supervision and innovation through the use of open-source and cloud-native technologies, such as Kubernetes and Prometheus. The first European cloud search engine was launched in early 2021 with Gaia-X. In addition to this, projects are launched with the CNRS.

“Within Gaia-X, OVHcloud is working jointly to shape the future of the European cloud, based on common values of transparency, data protection and openness. We use and develop open-source components with our competitors to facilitate reversibility across all cloud providers. The ecosystem is open even to non-European service providers, but transparency is key — all suppliers must declare any applicable non-European extraterritorial regulations."
“With CISPE, OVHcloud is working with its competitors on the future of the regulatory framework for a European cloud based on openness, reversibility, data protection, security and sustainability. For example, we developed the first data protection code of conduct to help cloud users properly apply the GDPR regulations. We do the same with regard to data reversibility, and our industry’s impact on the climate. All this collective work within CISPE for years now serves as a foundation for Gaia-X."
Alban Schmutz, Vice President of Strategic Development and Public Affairs at OVHcloud, and Chairman of CISPE
4 programs including 1 label
Designed to better support digital transformation for organisations, it combines OVHcloud products and solutions with the expertise of managed service providers and system integrators. Our partners typically have in-depth expertise in the business sectors and IT challenges that are specific to their enterprise customers. This program facilitates training for partners, providing them with specific commercial support and specially adapted technical assistance. |
Created in 2020, this label serves as a platform for PaaS and SaaS solutions that share our values: simplicity, accessibility, reversibility, transparency and confidentiality for data. OVHcloud provides its marketing resources to support the development of ecosystem solution awareness across all of its channels. More than 160 solutions available in France, and 300 worldwide, are currently eligible for the Open Trusted Cloud label. |
The OVHcloud Startup Program aims to support business owners, and help them use our most innovative cloud technologies. It is open to startups from all over the world, with a local presence in the main geographical areas. More than 1,800 startups have signed up to this program so far, and 200 are currently active. They receive technical and financial support, and they are provided with up to 100,000 euros of credit. Furthermore, close collaboration between OVHcloud’s technical teams and startups means that they can remain at the forefront of innovation in infrastructure and related topics. |
With companies’ growing interest in using PaaS and SaaS solutions hosted at OVHcloud for their digital transformation, we decided to create a marketplace. It is designed to provide a simple framework for third-party solution providers to increase their visibility among OVHcloud’s 1.5 million customers. 18 months after its launch, the OVHcloud Marketplace has 120 partner sellers, and offers more than 200 solutions. |
“Both our companies share fundamental values of quality, transparency, data protection, value chain and even digital sovereignty. These represent strong commitments we make to our customers, from the smallest SMEs to the largest financial, medical and government institutions — and these are what make the community of Open Trusted Cloud members so strong and rich.”
Benjamin Zores, Director of Cloud Infrastructure and Operations at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, member of the Open Trusted Cloud program
All together and in solidarity
It is clear that the ecosystem is more than just a buzzword, or an initiative from a small group. This became evident during the healthcare crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, when 60 partners immediately joined the Open Solidarity initiative. Thanks to their efforts, more than 100,000 professionals were able to benefit free of charge from remote working solutions during lockdown, and the four months that followed.
And aside from exceptional situations, the ecosystem has the advantage of offering solutions at competitive and predictable prices.
How do we concretely deal with accelerating digital transformation? This question resonates with all of the professionals we work with. Faced with this challenge and the crucial issues it encompasses, the OVHcloud ecosystem aims to be a source of inspiration. A new direction to take. Who knows — the answer to your needs may already exist, or it may be in the process of being developed. Otherwise, why not just consider working with others to build it now?
All of these aspects will be discussed, explained and illustrated during the OVHcloud Ecosystem Experience. Interested in our event? Join us online for the#EcosystemExperience on the 16, 17 and 18 November 2021. Subscribe.